Title: Dental Public Health and Research
Authors: Christine Nielsen Nathe
Series: Dentistry [208]
Author sort: Nathe, Christine Nielsen
Date: 17 Aug 2021
Ids: Goodreads
Languages: eng
Modified: 02 Sep 2021
Published: Jan 2016
Publisher: Pearson
* Dental Public Health and Research *explores the ever-changing world of dental public health-a dynamic career pathway for dental hygienists-and provides readers with the key tools needed to effectively practice and conduct dental hygiene in the public health setting. The Fourth Edition features an increased emphasis on the dental hygienist's understanding of research principles, and an expanded discussion of public health science. Readers are guided through dental hygiene fundamentals, programs, research, and practical strategies to give them a true understanding of what it takes to be a successful, contemporary dental hygiene practitioner.
KEY TOPICS: Dental Public Health; The Evolution of the Prevention Movement; Dental Care Delivery in the United States; Dental Care Delivery in the Global Community; Funding of Dental Care; Legislative Initiatives Affecting Dental Hygiene Practice; Change Agents in Dental Care (Shari Peterson, RDH, MEd); Dental Health Education and Promotion; Lesson Plan Development; Target Populations; Cultural Diversity; Program Planning; Program Evaluation; Research in Dental Hygiene; Ethical Principles; Research Approaches; Biostatistics (Christine French Beatty, RDH, PhD and Connie Beatty, RDH, MS(c)); Oral Epidemiology (Christine French Beatty, RDH, PhD and Charlene Dickinson, RDH, MS(c)); Current Epidemiological Findings; Evaluation of Scientific Literature and Dental Products; Careers in Dental Public Health (Karen Portillo, RDH, MS); Strategies for Creating Dental Hygiene Positions in Dental Public Health Settings; Dental Public Health Board Review (Meg Zayan, RDH, MPH, EdD)
MARKET: Designed for community dental/public health courses, Dental Public Health and Research also serves as an ideal resource for board exam preparation or for dental hygiene practitioners.